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Topics - BlindLucky

Halters and Moneighs for sale on eBay for various charities right now:

Oxbow, Orb, and Palace Malice halters from the Equine Academy at Lexington Catholic High School:

Paynter, Game on Dude, and Blame halters; Kinsale King signed Dubai saddle cloth from CANTER California:

Rerun has Moneighs painted by Cat Thief, Catienus, Congaree, Einstein, Kitten's Joy, Pampered Princess, Mucho Macho Man, Orb, Quality Road, Shanghai Bobby, Princess Arabella, Silver Train, Stephanie's Kitten, Wise Dan, and Tiznow:

Breeding / Stallion News
October 27, 2013, 03:14:37 PM
I just saw an ad for Smiling Tiger, which says he's standing at Premier Thoroughbreds in CA. However, the place appears to be called Premier Equine Center (a rehab place). They don't have a website with their stallions listed (only, but there are a few standing alongside him that I thought had disappeared!

Smiling Tiger
Sway Away (I thought he had dropped off the face of the earth... I REALLY wanted to see a conformation shot of him   ;D )
Twice the Appeal
Sierra Sunset