🐎SUPURR SATURDAY 7/6 🏆 RESULTS 🏆 Horseshoe Indianapolis 🐎

Started by RUFFIAN, July 07, 2024, 12:52:43 PM

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 :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:

Good afternoon and welcome to
                 Supurr  Saturday At
Horseshoe Indianapolis RaceTrack

Celebrating the Fourth of July
The Firecracker Stakes we play
     With a frisky field of 11
        Who is on Fire 🔥 today

The energetic 11   in the gate
And away they go into the turn
Post Time Mike and Digger
In the lead with speed to burn

Suddenly things have changed
  Bonita on fire takes the lead
Post Time Mike is right on her tail
    Dusty now finding her speed

Real Quiet,  Indian Hemp,  Tiger 🐅 Dancer 💃
    All three now very much into the hunt
            Senator is moving up quickly
              As Dusty remains at the front

They are at the top of the stretch
    A Filly Battle together as one
  Dusty and Bonita neck and neck
    Which of the 2 will Get-Er-Dun

A trio is now moving up quickly
On the tails  of the duo in the lead
Post Time Mike - Senator - Indian Hemp
Will Any  find the speed that they need

It's a long way back to the rest of the field
Real Quiet 🤫 ~ Tiger 🐅 Dancer + Blunny
      Digger.     Ruffian and    Zippy
      Little to no chance at the money 💰

And down the stretch here they come
     Dusty trying for a repeat Glory
But Bonita is staying right with her
Which Filly will headline the story

Dusty suddenly looks back
To See Bonita right on her tail
Thinks to her self " Uh Oh Too Close "
   It's time for this Filly to Prevail !

With a sudden surge of speed
Dusty has found her a Repeat
    Bonita has given her all
But Dusty refused to be beat 🏆

Post Time Mike got so close
But it just was not quite enough
    Trying to catch the 2 Fillys
Proved to be tougher than Tuff

Senator with the slimmest of whiskers
Outruns Indian Hemp for  the Ring
The rest of the runners are far back
   Today little speed did they bring

No here is the order of finish
A Filly  Battle from Gate to Wire
Right down to the final furlong
When Bonita did finally did tire

                     🏆🏇🏆 OFFICIAL ORDER OF FINISH  🏇🏆🏇

🏆DC 🏆 DUSTY 🪶 $142.80 🏆
                         Dynamic determination is the story
          As the Defending Champ fought  for Repeat Glory 🏆🏆

BONITA    🐎 $126.10  👰
            Exceptional effort but just not enough
              Dusty determined was simply too Tuff
                         Bridesmaid Of The Day👰

POST TIME MIKE     📰   $121.80 🌺
                    Chasing 2 Fast Fillys the whole way
For his effort he will Catch The Bodacious Bouquet 💐

SENATOR  🖊    $109.30  💍
                            Just enough to Steal The Precious 💍

INDIAN HEMP 🍃 $101.50

REAL QUIET 🤫    $68.60


BLUNNY 🐇 $49.50

DIGGER 🪓 $42.80

RUFFIAN 🐆  $41

ZIPPY  🏎      $25.40

We bid farewell to Indiana
      A battle right down to the wire
                But when it mattered the most
                            Dusty refusing to Tire

Next week will bring some excitement
As Dusty goes for 3-peat Glory
Will she do enough to make history
Or Frosted Whisker will headline the story

                    🐯  MAY THE PURRRRR BE WITH YOU  😻

WEBSITE    ===>    www.RUFFIAN333.com
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                     AND NOT YOUR OWN! 😔 "

       🐎         😻       🐕


NICE WIN DUSTY...GOOD LUCK ON THE 3-PEAT!!! Thanks for scoring Ruffian...great job!!! :thanks: