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Messages - Native Diver

His is one of my very favorite stories too.  I can't hardly  imagine the intelligence and courage of a horse that overcame his physical limitations to win like he did, let alone take care of himself (he was packed in sand after sustaining those terrible injuries, how many horses would allow and endure that?) as he did to gone on and survive?  To say he was special is an understatement; he was extraordinary.  Thank you for creating a thread for him.
Racing / Re: Tackiest BC coverage ever - thanks NBC
November 03, 2013, 05:40:53 AM
Quote from: Zenyatta on November 02, 2013, 06:11:57 PM
Like I said in another thread,  I like Kristin Chenoweth,  but she murdered that song.  Sinatra sang it best, and the range is such that it really should be sung by a male.


I like her too, but I was very disappointed with her rendition of "The Best is Yet To Come".....oh my.   I know she's a better singer than that but it sounded almost like she was in the wrong key or something.   Toni sounded great singing the anthem I thought though.