Thoroughbred Racing Fans

Racing => Handicapping => Topic started by: RUFFIAN on January 16, 2025, 10:19:45 AM

Title: 🏆MM 1/15 🏆 RESULTS🏆
Post by: RUFFIAN on January 16, 2025, 10:19:45 AM

 :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:  :rhrse:

Good afternoon and welcome to
Midweek Mayhem at Gulfstream Park

Defending champion Digger
Will  be doing  hus very best
To prove yet once again
He is better than the rest

away they go into the turn
Nobody wanting to take the lead
The patient is very slow today
Nobody finding much speed

They are at the top of the stretch
Suddenly in the wink of an eye
Digger awakened his mojo
For the repeat now he will try

and down the stretch they come
Digger now leading the way
Indian Hemp and Real Quiet are next
Is this the way it will stay

At the wire there's clearly no doubt
That Digger indeed is the story
The other is just chasing his tail
As he achieves repeat glory

                  🏆🏇🏆 OFFICIAL ORDER OF FINISH 🏇🏆🏇

🏆 DC 🏆DIGGER 🪓 $51.20
Slow to start
But then was all heart ❤️

INDIAN HEMP   🍃   $28.10 🤵�♂️
Bridesman of the day

REAL QUIET  🤫 $21.90 🌺
                       Catches the bodacious bouquet 💐

                       Steals the   Precious   💍

BONITA 🐎  $18.10

RUFFIAN 🐆 $13.60
Off to the Cat house for a Catnip Buffet

We bid farewell to Florida
Digger attempting a delivery
Easily winning the repeat
As he will headline the story  🏆🏆

           🐯  MAY THE PURRRRR BE WITH YOU  😻

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Title: Re: 🏆MM 1/15 🏆 RESULTS🏆
Post by: Real Quiet on January 17, 2025, 09:46:41 AM
Once again congrats on the win Digger. Nicely played.