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Started by Raven, November 17, 2013, 08:19:39 AM

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#4 Split My Pants
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Quote from: Raven on July 28, 2018, 08:25:06 AM
#5  Olympic Express
Finished 4th
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~

Senator L

Speed on the turf isn't holding at Wdbn changed my bet to #2
and it still didn't work out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :chickendance:


Quote from: Raven on July 28, 2018, 02:52:06 PM
#4 Split My Pants
i bet the closer, but he was behind a wall of horses all the way through,and found lane too late.  next time!
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Quote from: Senator L on July 28, 2018, 04:58:44 PM
Speed on the turf isn't holding at Wdbn changed my bet to #2
and it still didn't work out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :chickendance:

good to note- thanks Senator!

Raven- better luck next time... many a horse has been stuck behind the proverbial wall- I sympathize


Usually ,speed on turf at Woodbine is the way to go.
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Del Mar
call me crazy, but I'm going with #3 La Force
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Quote from: Raven on July 29, 2018, 03:43:14 PM
Del Mar
call me crazy, but I'm going with #3 La Force
Unique Bella  beat her by a half

Or i should say that her jock got her beat!

I've got to go get my tinfoil hat   LOL
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Quote from: Raven on July 29, 2018, 04:16:05 PM
Unique Bella  beat her by a half

Or i should say that her jock got her beat!

I've got to go get my tinfoil hat   LOL

No need for the aluminum headgear, decent enough of a wager.

BUT......imho, this is the kind of race that just rips the heart of a horse, she could look over and see the competition running on just 3 shoes and a statue on her back, all the while LaForce was trying as hard as she could, whippin and jostling to no avail. 

We won't know until next time, but I fear a big bounce is in the making for the 3, beware.


Well, I could go hat shopping with Raven.😉 Ron Ellis, who maybe wants Don Alberto to toss him a horse, was, like Stark, going on and on about how easy Unique Bella won. I didn't see it that way, but I'm also not one of Unique Bella's biggest fans. My wife, who doesn't know Unique Bella from Giacomo, walked in during a replay of the stretch drive and said, "Wow, I thought that gray horse was going to get beat!"  I think La Force was getting to her, I don't think she'll ever beat her but that race was a little more taxing than some might want to think. I think if Unique Bella is in against a better mare than La Force who can finish, she'll get beat. It would have been interesting had Abel Tasman been in, today. Gawd forbid someone risk getting their nice, top level horse beat. Had she been in though......


didn't see the Clement Hirsch last night, but this is why I think the Distaff may be more wide open than it appears ...and a few more races yet tom play out. I'm expecting this to be one of the more contentious races on the BC card. :thumbsup:


Quote from: peeptoad on July 30, 2018, 02:33:38 AM
didn't see the Clement Hirsch last night, but this is why I think the Distaff may be more wide open than it appears ...and a few more races yet tom play out. I'm expecting this to be one of the more contentious races on the BC card. :thumbsup:
I still think there is a big gap between the older mares and the 3yo's fillies. I am tiring of hearing about the 9f races—by both genders of 3yo's—completed at or near 1:50, though. Tracks are deeper than they were over the last few years and that will result in times slowing down throughout a race. The tracks are almost, in a way, a hybrid between natural dirt and synthetic in the way horses move over them. The back end is getting more use than before. Before the tracks started monkeying around with the synthetic surfaces in CA, it was difficult to assess a speed horse on synthetics. They seemed, no matter how slow the pace, hit a wall at the 1/16th pole. In a way, Unique Bella reminds me of that. She towers over most any field she comes up against on talent, but her competitive nature won't allow her to truly relax early which is why I think she can be vulnerable to a horse better than La Force.


call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Wed Race 6 DelMar #3 Over thinking
May they run with the wind


Quote from: Dusty on July 31, 2018, 06:09:55 PM
Wed Race 6 DelMar #3 Over thinking

May they run with the wind

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