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Messages - blunny

Rolling Thunder Ranch

1 -- 4, 3, 2
2 -- 1, 7, 3
3 -- 2, 6, 7
4 -- 5, 8, 1
5 -- 7, 3, 5
6 -- 4, 1, 5
7 -- 9, 2, 3
8 -- 6, 1, 5
9 -- 8, 10, 1
10 -- 1, 7, 3
11 -- 3, 4, 5
Race 8 should read    3, 6, 10
Rolling Thunder Ranch

1 -- 3, 9, 1
2 -- 8, 4, 3
3 -- 6, 1/1a, 5
4 -- 8, 6, 2
5 -- 11, 9, 8
6 -- 7, 1, 9
7 -- 2, 6, 1
8 -- 10, 3, 6

Rolling Thunder Ranch
Belmont drink   Manhattan wet

1 -- 4, 6, 2
2 -- 8, 2, 6
3 -- 6, 4, 3
4 -- 3, 2, 4
5 -- 2, 9, 3
6 -- 4, 5, 1
7 -- 12, 11, 3
8 -- 3, 1, 4
9 -- 5, 1, 10
10 -- 10, 3, 8
11 -- 3, 1, 7

Delaware Park  RESULTS
Home of the YO YO's

The ass't starters are standing around in conversation about the
excitement of the newly opened Sports Book and Poker Room.

Problem is the horses for the next race have not come out for the Post Parade.
After saddling them, they disappeared with the grooms.

The starter is screaming at the Stewards wondering where his horses are.
The Stewards are blaming the out riders for losing them.

The Starter had enough of the finger pointing and sends his ass't starters.
out to find them.

Following the sound of neighing and high five hoof slapping...
they were found in the Sports Book.

The ass't starters grab them by there ears and lead them back to the track
before they could lose all their feed money.

Led to the gate they notice Ruffian is still missing.
Stewards, with their Bi-nocs searching the track, calling for the trainer over the PA system,
while the jockey tries to Explain   he was told to meet his horse at the gate.

Stewards alert the Starter that someone is approaching the Gate
It's a horse drawn trailer, bringing Ruffian to the gate.

Real Quiet thinks it looks more like a horse ambulance fitting her ability to run.
Cruzan thinks she would be better off arriving in a Pumpkin.
Out steps Ruff into something left by the Bunny.

All in the gate, Ruff bites the ass't starter for trying to remove her Fascinator.

Starter happy to send them on there way before the sun goes down.

The first 1/4 finds The Energizing Bunny leading the pack into the back stretch
doing the Bunny Hop in front of a Conga line of the rest of the field.

The line is tight down the back stretch when someone gooses Dusty
and she leap frogs over-all to the lead,
rubbing her Butt with a smile on her face.

No getting to the Duster as she crosses the finish line after some assistance
(caught on video) from Cruzan.

Next came the Bunny well out in front of the others,
who are still keeping a discipline line kicking like the Rockettes
and hopping like Playboy Bunnies, while a little battle was going on between
Ruff and Thunder at the tail end of the pack.

In the photo the tail was pinned on Ruff while still trying to shake off her glass slippers
the present the Bunny gave her.

A call was put out for her Chariot and she was deposited into the Cat House.

   DUSTY     $118.70
   Blunny         56.10
   Real Quiet    39.10
Tiger Dancer    32.00
   Cruzan         29.50
   Catalina        26.80
Thunder Cat    25.30
Ruffian             14.60

Rolling Thunder Ranch

Delete Race 10
Rolling Thunder Ranch

due to scratches

Race 6 -- 9, 3, 1
Rolling Thunder Ranch
Enjoy the Delaware Oaks
The new Sports Book & Card Room

1 -- 3, 5, 6
2 -- 2, 6, 3
3 -- 6, 5, 3
4 -- 7, 5, 1
5 -- 3, 4, 5
6 -- 4, 3, 5
7 -- 4, 8, 7
8 -- 8, 12, 7
9 -- 8, 1, 4
10 -- 2, 5, 1
Whats the point of Breeding and running Arabian horses 6 times a year.
Heard the Fire Dept. banned you for having anymore Birthday Cakes with candles, it was a fire hazard
Rolling Thunder Ranch

1 -- 3, 5, 2
2 -- 3, 4, 9
3 -- 3, 7, 1a
4 -- 9, 1, 6
5 -- 2, 7, 9
6 -- 6, 8, 11
7 -- 1a, 2, 1
8 -- 3, 1, 12
9 -- 3, 4, 6
10 -- 8, 5, 1
11 -- 6, 9, 1
Mike, I want my dart board back
Rolling Thunder Ranch

1 -- 2b, 5, 6
2 -- 4, 7, 9
3 -- 5, 6, 4
4 -- 4, 7, 8
5 -- 4, 5, 8
6 -- 1, 5, 4
7 -- 8, 6, 7
Rolling Thunder Ranch

1 --2, 5, 4
2 -- 4, 3, 2
3 -- 6, 5, 1
4 -- 5, 4, 2
5 -- 2, 4, 5
6 -- 6, 1, 4
7 -- 7, 2, 1
8 -- 1, 5, 7
9 -- 7, 4, 10
Rolling Thunder Ranch
I'm concerned some of these horses won't finish before the next race starts.

1 -- 1, 5, 4
2 -- 6, 7, 5
3 -- 8, 5, 4
4 -- 6, 5, 9
5 -- 5, 2, 9
6 -- 2, 1, 9
7 -- 5, 1, 3
8 -- 7, 4, 8
9 -- 6, 4, 2