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Started by Raven, November 17, 2013, 08:19:39 AM

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One more.
Aqueduct race#7
#3 J .J.Jake
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Santa Anita Race 6

At 10/1 on the morning line, #5 INFOBEBAD looks interesting.
Showed speed against better, drops in class and adds blinkers today.
Over the years I've noticed more than a few of these Argentine horses blossom with a little moisture in the dirt and this race is off the turf today.
Tyler Baze should put him on the lead and never look back.


Quote from: stark on January 01, 2017, 09:22:07 AM
Santa Anita Race 6

At 10/1 on the morning line, #5 INFOBEBAD looks interesting.
Showed speed against better, drops in class and adds blinkers today.
Over the years I've noticed more than a few of these Argentine horses blossom with a little moisture in the dirt and this race is off the turf today.
Tyler Baze should put him on the lead and never look back.

Big OOPS, on SoCal morning radio show tout Erin Hess just gave out my pick as his best bet of the day, kiss of death I say, the rubber band stays on!


Burn the rubber band!
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


I'm on Accelerate  in the 8th
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


#3 Gustnado
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Quote from: Raven on January 02, 2017, 04:05:42 PM
#3 Gustnado

3 Gustnado     Brice Blanc   41.40   16.60   10.00
2 Curlin Rules     Tyler Baze.........       10.00   4.00
1 Royal Albert Hall (GB)   Rafael Bejarano           2.80


May they run with the wind


It would have been more fireworks if the#2 or #3 had won the 9th!!
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~

Senator L

Nice going Raven! It's nice to see fireworks so early in the year. :chickendance:


Race #7
#4 Toohottoevenspeak
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~


Quote from: stark on January 01, 2017, 09:22:07 AM
Santa Anita Race 6

At 10/1 on the morning line, #5 INFOBEBAD looks interesting.
Showed speed against better, drops in class and adds blinkers today.
Over the years I've noticed more than a few of these Argentine horses blossom with a little moisture in the dirt and this race is off the turf today.
Tyler Baze should put him on the lead and never look back.

Argentine-bred Infobedad, the "Secretariat of Claimers" who won Sunday's sixth race by 26 ½ lengths, believed to be the largest winning margin ever at Santa Anita, didn't necessarily shock John Sadler with the runaway victory over the wet/fast (sealed) track. "Usually South American horses like the mud, so we thought he'd like the track," the trainer said. "We thought it (the margin) was a combination of him liking it and some of the others hating it, so it kind of sorted itself out." Sadler didn't lose the six-year-old horse that was in for a $25,000 claiming tag, but might keep an eye on the sky before deciding on his next race. "We'll follow around the radar map and look for rain again," he said .


Quote from: stark on January 06, 2017, 02:28:27 PM
Argentine-bred Infobedad, the "Secretariat of Claimers" who won Sunday's sixth race by 26 ½ lengths, believed to be the largest winning margin ever at Santa Anita, didn't necessarily shock John Sadler with the runaway victory over the wet/fast (sealed) track. "Usually South American horses like the mud, so we thought he'd like the track," the trainer said. "We thought it (the margin) was a combination of him liking it and some of the others hating it, so it kind of sorted itself out." Sadler didn't lose the six-year-old horse that was in for a $25,000 claiming tag, but might keep an eye on the sky before deciding on his next race. "We'll follow around the radar map and look for rain again," he said .

WOW - but please tell me why Baze even cocked the whip - get a new JOCK
May they run with the wind


From maiden claimers up to straight maidens off the year long layoff, this seems like a pretty gutsy move in the 9th at SA.

11   Gutsy Effort (CA)      4/G   L   S Elliott   123   M Puype   12/1


Quote from: stark on January 08, 2017, 09:49:23 AM
From maiden claimers up to straight maidens off the year long layoff, this seems like a pretty gutsy move in the 9th at SA.

11   Gutsy Effort (CA)      4/G   L   S Elliott   123   M Puype   12/1

I thought he was going to win, but the #5 just hold on.
Nice pick!
i was alive on the p4 with the #2 
call no man happy till he dies. ~SOLON~

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